The challenging journey of environmental protection, together we can win this fight!

2024-02-29 22:15:00


Have you ever had such an experience?

On a summer afternoon,

With a bottle of chilled drink in hand,


It brings you not only refreshment,

But also love for life.


But do you know?

After we finish that bottle of drink,

The discarded bottles and cans you casually throw away

May become a burden to our planet!



Has given us a perfect solution!


R   V   M

(Reverse Vending Machine)


These are not just three letters,

But more importantly, they represent

Our responsibility 



And future (Future) on the path of environmental protection.



WANO RVM utilizes cutting-edge AI technology to quickly and accurately identify and collect discarded beverage packaging bottles. Its emergence is like dressing the earth with a protective coat, defending against the invasion of plastic pollution.

Imagine when you see the figure of WANO RVM at the airport, park, mall, or school. You will know that people there have taken an important step towards protecting the earth!

They tell us with their actions:

The earth is our common home,

Only when we work together

Can we make its tomorrow better!


The next time you finish a drink,

Take a second look at the discarded drink bottle,

Because behind it,

There is a powerful guardian

Silently protecting our blue planet.

We hope:

Through continuous technological innovation and efforts,

To make this world a better place!

We believe:

Only when everyone takes action

Can we together win this war

Between humans and pollution!

On the “boiling” road of environmental protection in the future:

Let’s bravely face the challenges,

Join hands,

And win a green tomorrow for the earth together!