【Environmental Protection Technology】Guarded by the “Bottle-swallowing Sacred Beast” and Dancing with “CO2”

2024-01-17 15:57:00


At the intersection of intelligent technology and environmental protection, Dongguan WANO Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd is soaring to new heights. Recently, our trademark registration for “Bottle-swallowing Sacred Beast” and “CO2” is in full swing, and we are delighted to announce that our Taipei branch has won two patents, which is an important breakthrough in the field of intelligent technology that we have achieved.



Guarding the Blue Sky and Green Land with the “Sacred Beast”



Firstly, let’s focus on the brand “Bottle-swallowing Sacred Beast”, which is full of creativity and environmental significance. Just as its name suggests, the “Bottle-swallowing Sacred Beast” is an artificial intelligence environmental protection recycling device. It has a sharp “eye”, which can quickly identify various recyclables; it has a powerful “stomach”, which can quickly swallow plastic bottles, cans and other discarded packaging, carrying out efficient classification and compression processing for them. With its help, the piles of plastic waste that used to be overwhelming become renewable resources instead.

Imagine that when the empty bottle in your hand is easily swallowed by the “Bottle-swallowing Sacred Beast”, they will return to our lives in a brand new form. This wonderful transformation cannot help but make people marvel at its powerful functions and unparalleled charm, just like a silent guardian of the blue sky and green land.

We seem to hear the Earth Mother smiling and saying: “Thank you, Bottle-swallowing Sacred Beast!”

The “Bottle-swallowing Sacred Beast” is not only our product, but also our pride. It symbolizes our commitment to environmental protection, the pursuit of sustainable development, and confidence in intelligent technology!



The Road to Carbon Neutrality Begins at Our Feet



CO2, a chemical symbol that is related to climate change and the future of the Earth. In the registration of the “CO2” trademark, we not only pay attention to its essential component in the atmosphere, but also see its close connection with the cause of carbon neutrality.

As a socially responsible enterprise, we also know that on the road to addressing climate change and achieving carbon neutrality, we shoulder an important mission. We will continue to research and develop efficient and green intelligent equipment and solutions, helping the world move towards a future of carbon neutrality. Behind this is our responsibility and commitment to the Earth.



Using technology to protect the blue sky and white clouds

Using intelligence to promote a green future



Light of Scientific Innovation Shines Globally



Good news from Taiwan Company again!

As an important branch of WANO Intelligent Technology, Taipei Branch has always been committed to research and development and technological breakthroughs. Recently, the company has won two important patents, which is not only an affirmation of the technical team of the branch, but also recognition of the innovation ability of the entire company.


We know very well that behind the patent certificate lies countless days and nights of hard work and perseverance, the team’s persistent pursuit of technological innovation, and our positive contribution to promoting the development of intelligent technology. We believe that in the days ahead, with more innovative results emerging, we will continue to use intelligent technology to guard our green homeland and contribute to the sustainable development of the Earth with practical actions!

   WANO Intelligent Technology   

Wishing you all a happy Laba Festival!