【Carbon Finance Pioneer】 Blending Innovation and Leading the Future

2023-08-16 22:36:00


WANO Intelligent Technology, a prominent player in the carbon finance industry based in Dongguan, China, has been making waves with its groundbreaking achievements. On August 14th, a report in the People’s Daily reignited widespread attention on carbon markets, and at the forefront of this movement, WANO sparkles like a shining star, igniting passion in the carbon finance market with its innovative strength. Let’s explore this dazzling brilliance together!



WANO’s Milestones




First and foremost, we proudly announce that our company has successfully obtained the certification of “Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Guangdong Province”. This recognition, awarded for our independent research and development, technological innovation, and market performance, signifies the beginning of a new journey towards innovation. This certification will further propel our development in the carbon finance industry, enabling us to provide more professional and efficient services to our clients. In the era of carbon finance, we will take even more determined steps to write a new chapter of glory.




In terms of technological innovation, we have never stopped pushing forward. This time, in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, we were granted four important invention patents, including one for a system to measure image clarity and three for wireless communication equipment and methods, as well as six utility patents.

These patents cover multiple fields such as artificial intelligence, machine vision, communication, lithography technology, electromagnetic radiation, and automation technology. They not only demonstrate our innovative strength in the field of scientific research but also bring more possibilities for advanced technology applications in the intelligent environmental protection industry.



Recently, we have also successfully applied for the “Songshan Lake Science and Technology Specialist” program and will collaborate with the science and technology specialist team from Dongguan South China Design and Innovation Institute to carry out research and development work on “environmental protection recycling devices based on the Internet of Things”. Through technological innovation, we aim to lead the way in intelligent environmental protection and create a more intelligent and efficient waste treatment system. This project will further propel our development in the environmental protection field and contribute to achieving a green and low-carbon lifestyle.



Additionally, to enhance our interaction with users, our smart recycling equipment app for mobile devices is upcoming soon. Through this app, users will receive more efficient and intelligent services, enabling them to participate in the carbon market more easily. This will make the path towards environmental protection a smoother one, contributing to the collective efforts for this cause.




In the meantime, client representatives from France and Malaysia have visited our company to explore potential collaborations in low-carbon environmental protection innovation.


The client representatives toured our exhibition halls and production workshops, marveled at our independently developed WANO RVM series of low-carbon intelligent recycling machines, and gained a deeper understanding of our product research and development, manufacturing, and management processes. They highly recognized our technological expertise and product quality standards. Our low-carbon intelligent recycling equipment is adding momentum to global environmental protection efforts.






In the era of carbon finance, WANO Intelligent Technology is not just a witness but also a pioneer. Blending innovation with responsibility, we are integrating technology and environmental protection to chart a new future in carbon finance. 

Let’s work together to usher in a new era of intelligent leadership in carbon finance and create a bright future for this thriving sector!



Looking forward to your attention and support!